1. For UPI transactions:

UPI transaction reference number are of 12 digits and the first digit for all UPI transactions made in year 2021 will be 1.

For instance : 100412324589, 100598757598

  1. Phonepe

Once you have made a transaction via phonepe, click on done.

Go to history and select the particular transaction. UTR number (as shown in screenshot) is the correct transaction ID

  1. Paytm UPI

Once you have made a transaction via Paytm UPI, click on “View Details”

Reference ID (as shown in screenshot) is the correct transaction ID

  1. Google Pay

UPI Transaction ID (as shown in screenshot) is the correct transaction ID

2) For IMPS transactions:

Similarly for IMPS transactions, transaction reference number are of 12 digits and the first digit for all IMPS transactions made in year 2021 will be 1.

For instance : 100412786589, 100509876498

Once you have made the transaction via IMPS, in case the bank does not provide a 12 digit ref number on completion of transaction, please go to your bank statement and locate that particular transaction. The correct Transaction ID would be displayed under narration column.